Send Hand Bouquets to Philippines
Flowers are beautiful no matter what form they are presented in. But a hand bouquet presented by you to your loved one personally will always be considered the best bouquet in the world due to your personal touch. Send an order online through our website in the Philippines for hand bouquets to be delivered to you before you hand them out personally to the people whom you love and care for. In a hand bouquet, a certain number of specially chosen flowers are elegantly wrapped in fancy cellophane papers and tied up with satin ribbon with bows. The flowers are placed in such a way that they are kept fresh for a long period and their beauty gets enhanced because of the decoration done by our florists. We have pictures of hand bunches made up of roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, tulips, gladiolas, orchids, gerberas and carnations displayed on our webpage for our customers to browse and decide which one will be the most appropriate for their loved one. We assure you that the flowers that we deliver against the orders placed by you will be the freshest ones available and will certainly win the heart of the receiver. The pictures are only indicative but the flowers that we deliver are far more beautiful and captivating than the images shown on the webpage.
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