Red and White Bouquet

Red and White Bouquet

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PHP 3101.00 / $ 53.00 Bunch of 11 Red Roses & 11 White roses with greens
PHP 5891.00 / $ 101.00 Bunch of 22 Red Roses & 22 White roses with greens
PHP 8526.00 / $ 146.00 Bunch of 33 Red Roses & 33 White roses with greens
Upgrade Option

Product Code: #MYF1734693150

This stunning rose bouquet features a beautiful combination of our red and white roses. It’s a perfect gift for any occasion or to create a beautiful arrangement for your home or office. Fresh cut from one of the world’s best rose, our blooms have a bigger size and longer vase life, so you’ll be sending a gift that will certainly impress!